Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Salute to volunteers by former NY Giant great George Martin

I recently attended my second Super Community Spirit Showcase hosted by the Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce (  The Chamber invites non-profit organizations to set up table top displays to share their mission with the Chamber of Commerce members in attendance. The theme of the event was related to the Super Bowl as it took place the week before the big event and probably less than 15 miles from the Stadium.  There were numerous organizations represented including a homeless shelter for battered women, a community food bank and our job seekers networking and support group ( Attendance was great in the large hotel ballroom and there were several former pro football players in attendance to give out autographs. 

Following introductions of the Chamber Board of Directors and other VIPs in attendance, the keynote speaker was introduced.  It was George Martin, former all pro defensive lineman for the NY Giants ( He started his remarks by sending a Giant thank you to all the volunteers in the room and to all the attendees for supporting these organizations. He did not single out any one group but acknowledged the important work of all non-profit organizations and the selfless contributions of the many volunteers in these organizations.  He went on to say that he would not have become who he is without the work and support of a non-profit early in his life. He did not elaborate but you got the sense it either changed his life dramatically or perhaps even saved his life.

Then he shared a brief story about recently being asked to speak to a group about civility in sports. He said while he agrees this is an important topic, he would rather speak about civility in society.  I wish I could have been there when he gave that speech.

He went on to close his remarks by recognizing his former teammate and two time cancer survivor, Karl Nelson. Karl was there representing one of the many charities he supports. George said Karl was the bravest person he ever met. (

I did some research on George Martin following the event and found an amazing story about a charity he founded following the tragic events of 9-11. It’s worth a read: Ex-Giants DE Martin finishes 3,000-mile walk for 9/11 charity  (

Before that evening I really didn’t know much about George Martin other than his pro football success.  I now know he can inspire an entire room full of people in less than ten minutes. Thank you George.

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