Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Redesigning Web Sites

It may be a coincidence but several organizations I’ve worked with are undertaking or recently completed a web site redesign.  So I started thinking about when and why do organizations decide it is time to address this time consuming and stressful undertaking. 

The first example is the consulting business of a friend.  He manages a consulting firm based in the Washington metro area.  Based on recent conversations and what I’ve seen on his new web site, the redesign project was driven by changes in his business.  He had taken on some new clients, created new partnerships and his business was going in a direction not represented by his old web site.  His site has a new look and seems to suggest a new energy. It is clear the objective of this new web site is to define the company brand and increase visibility with a focus on its mission. While I thought the former web site was fine as a communication vehicle that included an informative blog, this new site really does suggest a change has taken place in the business. I believe he really captured the image he was seeking in this new design.

The second example is a web site that is still a work in progress and it belongs to a non-profit organization for which I have been a board member for several years. The new web site is desperately needed as the current site is typical of a non-profit that put together a functional web site on the cheap. It probably seemed like a good site at the time it was created as there was nothing to compare it to.  This was the organizations first web site. Naturally, everyone thought it was great. Of course we look at it today and say “what were we thinking?” Even a non-profit has to uphold a certain image and the most visible representation today is an organization’s web site. Today, anyone can create an informative and professional web site that conveys the proper message based on the organizations purpose and mission.

Does it offer value to visitors and if you’re in the association world, does it portray the image you want your members to have of you? If you cannot objectively assess the message your web site delivers, ask your customers. People love it when you ask them what they think. Then you can determine if it’s time to invest in your web site.

Don Sciolaro
Innovative solutions, strategic planning & management partner

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